Morning Routines

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7 days to build the routine and 30 days to form the habit!

Try these routines in the morning and get ready to see some amazing results! Be sure to follow the program exactly how it’s laid out. We start small on purpose. 🙂

Get Fit

The routine:

  1. Go to sleep in gym clothes
  2. Wake up
  3. Water
  4. Workout routine
  5. Jumping jacks
  6. Pushups
  7. Squat

Day 1: Sleep in gym clothes
Day 2: Sleep in gym clothes. Do 1 jumping Jack.
Day 3: Sleep in gym clothes. Do 5 jumping Jacks.
Day 4: Sleep in gym clothes. Do 5 jumping Jacks, Do 1 pushup.
Day 5: Sleep in gym clothes. Do 5 jumping Jacks, Do 5 pushups.
Day 6: Sleep in gym clothes. Do 5 jumping Jacks, Do 5 pushups, do 1 air squat.
Day 7: Sleep in gym clothes. Do 5 jumping Jacks, Do 5 pushups, do 5 air squats

Week 2:
Increase daily from 1 set of 5 jumping jacks to 3 sets of 20 jumping jacks, 1 set
of 5 pushups, 1 set of 5 air squats.
Week 3:
3 sets of 20 jumping jacks, Increase daily to 3 sets of 20 pushups, 1 set of 5
air squats
Week 4:
3 sets of 20 jumping jacks, 3 sets of 5 pushups, Increase daily to 3 sets of 20
air squats

Inner Peace (aka How To Stay Calm)

The routine:

  1. Wake up
  2. Meditate
  3. Gratitude Journal
  4. Send A Positive Message To Your Family or Friends

Day 1: Wake up, sit up, and sit still for 30 seconds before getting out of bed
Day 2: Wake up, sit up, and sit still for 1 minute before getting out of bed
Day 3: Wake up, sit up, and sit still for 1 minute, and on a 5-Minute Journal / special
piece of paper, write 1 thing you’re grateful for
Day 4: Wake up, sit up, and sit still for 1 minute, and on write 1 thing you’re grateful for
Day 5: Wake up, sit up, and sit still for 1 minute, write 1 thing you’re grateful for,
Day 6: Wake up, sit up, and sit still for 1 minute, write 1 thing you’re grateful for, and
choose a person you should thank for tomorrow
Day 7: Wake up, sit up, and sit still for 1 minute, write 1 thing you’re grateful for, and
write a note (SMS, Facebook, email, or call) that person you want to thank

Week 2:
Increase to a 10 minute meditation session (I recommend the Calm app or
Headspace), write 1 thing you’re grateful for, and write a note to a person you want to

Week 3:
10 minute meditation session , Increase to a writing 3 things you’re grateful for,
and write a note to a person you want to thank

Week 4:
10 minute meditation session , write 3 things you’re grateful for, and increase
to writing 3 notes to people that you want to thanks

Be Productive

The Routine

  1. Wake up
  2. Drink a glass of water
  3. Plan your day
  4. Turn on timer and begin your first task

Day 1: Wake up, drink a glass of water
Day 2: Wake up, drink a glass of water
Day 3: Wake up, drink a glass of water, and plan 1 thing you will do today
Day 4: Wake up, drink a glass of water, and plan 1 thing you will do today
Day 5: Wake up, drink a glass of water, and plan 1 thing you will do today, begin
working on 1 thing for just 2 minutes
Day 6: Wake up, drink a glass of water, and plan 1 thing you will do today, begin
working on 1 thing for just 2 minutes
Day 7: Wake up, drink a glass of water, and plan 1 thing you will do today, begin
working on 1 thing for just 2 minutes

Week 2:
Increase to 1 liter of water, plan 1 thing you will do today, and begin working on
the 1 thing for 2 minutes

Week 3:
1 liter of water, increase to planning 3 things you will do today, and begin
working on the 1 thing for 2 minutes

Week 4:
1 liter of water, increase to planning 3 things you will do today, and increase to
working on the first item for 25 minutes with a 5 minute break, before continuing until it
is done.

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