Maneesh Sethi

A Scientific Method of Ending Eating Disorders

24 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder. Some people don’t care what others think about them. They live their lives serene and self-assured. Nothing seems to touch them. For others, it’s not so easy. Social expectations, peer pressure and media indoctrination often burden us with unrealistic self-expectations. These factors…

Jog Your Creativity

A common misconception on creativity is that it’s a passive process; those who are creative are naturally so, and a stall in creativity can’t be cured by anything except waiting for inspiration to arrive. However, a recent Stanford University study tested Friedrich Nietzsche’s quote, “All great thoughts are conceived by…

Man’s Painkiller Addiction is Cured

If you’ve ever had a craving for chocolate, potato chips or anything else, you know how insistent that craving can be. The thought slips into your mind unnoticed, “I must eat chips”. Soon, it starts nagging insistently until you absolutely can’t ignore it. When fighting a craving, you’re fighting against…

Quit Smoking

FYI: Fear has never stopped anyone from smoking The mind has a very simple process for deciding whether it wants to repeat an experience or avoid it in the future. It asks the question, “Was this fun or painful?” and follows up accordingly. Of course, that’s an extremely simplified model…

Use 40 Seconds to Restore Your Focus

Next time you have your head to the desk to finish an assignment, consider taking the scenic route to refill your coffee mug. A new study conducted at the University of Melbourne asked two separate groups to complete a sustained attention task. Halfway through, both groups viewed an image of…