Clinical Trials

Muscle spasms reduced in 4 sessions

77% of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress The words “stress”, “anxiety”and “frustration”, continue to infiltrate our everyday language. With them, they bring a number of afflictions that take over and ruin our lives. In fact, research by the American Psychological Association (2014) shows that: 77% of Americans…

67% Of Smokers Quit Their Habit

Researchers use small electric jolts to help smokers quit the habit and stay smoke-free up to one year later There are two categories of smokers. Those in the first category are quite happy with the habit. They know and understand the risks. They’ve been warned by health professionals, and by their…

Compulsive Behavior Treatment With Lasting Results

Studies show treatment via small electric jolts can give you back control over your life by stopping compulsive behavior such as scratching and hair-pulling (trichotillomania). Everyone has their little quirks and habits. Some like their coffee in a specific mug, EVERY time. Others twirl their hair when they’re in a pensive…