
Pavlok Results from Real Users


At Pavlok, we love hearing from real Pavlok users about the habits they are breaking.  Users are the key to knowing our product is effective!  We recently sent a survey to Pavlok users who bought a device between September 2015 and April 2016.  The survey was short and asked questions about if a habit had been broken, what habit was broken, and the amount of time it took to break.

A total of 195 users were surveyed and habits broken into 12 categories.  The categories included:

  • Alcohol
  • Nail biting/Skin picking/Hair pulling
  • Negative thoughts
  • Obsessions/Compulsions
  • Pornography/Gaming
  • Procrastination
  • Shopping
  • Smoking
  • Time wasting websites
  • Unhealthy eating
  • Unidentified
  • Other

Pavlok is worn around the wrist and uses a small electric zap by either pushing the button on the wristband, or using the remote control on the app.  Some habits can automatically be set through the app, such giving a zap to wake up or when wasting time on certain websites or apps.

The two most popular groups of bad habits that Pavlok users have been combatting with the help of Pavlok are:
(1) Body-focused repetitive behaviors (26%), of which nail biting is the most popular, followed by hair pulling, skin picking and other similar habits.
(2) Unhealthy eating (21%), mostly focused on excessive sugar consumption.

The remaining half of Pavlok users target a wide range of habits, however, one should pay attention that:
– 12% of respondents use Pavlok for fighting psychological disorders like obsessions/compulsions (8%) and negative thinking (4%)
– 11% of respondents use it for dealing with potentially serious dependencies like smoking (8%) and alcohol (3%)
– only 9% of Pavlok users mention technology related habits as their main target: web browsing (6%) and pornography and gaming (combined 3%)
– only 4% focus directly on professional goals (procrastination), although web browsing (6%) could be work related problem as well.


The most successful habits broken by those surveyed were procrastination and shopping, with 100% of users breaking these habits being successful.  The least successful habits to be broken were classified as unidentified at 79% not succeeding, and pornography/gaming with 50% being unsuccessful.

Out of the 195 users, 145 successfully broke their habits.  Another 12 had not been using their Pavlok long enough, but felt confident they were on the track to success.

What is astounding is that of the successful users, 93% broke their habit in under two weeks!  74% were able to break their habits in under 7 days, and another 19% between 8 to 14 days.

Can you imagine a life without the habits you hate the most?  Are you ready to break your bad habits?  Purchase a Pavlok today with no risk!  If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we DON’T want your money! It’s as simple as that. If you do not break your bad habit or get the results you want, we want you to contact us for a full refund of your purchase price.  For that reason, we offer a 6 month money back guarantee with no questions asked.


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