
Muscle spasms reduced in 4 sessions

77% of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress

The words “stress”, “anxiety”and “frustration”, continue to infiltrate our everyday language. With them, they bring a number of afflictions that take over and ruin our lives.

In fact, research by the American Psychological Association (2014) shows that:

  • 77% of Americans regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress
  • 73% of Americans regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress

With numbers like those, there’s a good chance you too are suffering from stress-related symptoms. It might be small thing — a minor irritation; or it might be something that has a significant impact on your life, affecting your work, relationships, and peace of mind.

This article shows how a technique called “aversion conditioning” can help cure symptoms of stress-related disorders.

The research quoted below deals specifically with a stress-related disorder called “Hysterical Spasmodic Torticollis”.

You might not be suffering from Torticollis, however you should still read this article.

It will show you how aversion conditioning can help you deal with a stress-related disorder you might be suffering from right now, or in the future.

Conditioning  through electric jolts successfully eliminates Torticollis symptoms in as little as 4 sessions

Hysterical Spasmodic Torticollis affects the cervical muscles (located in the neck) causing abnormal movements or positioning of the head.

It is frustrating, painful and embarrassing, and can incapacitate sufferers to the point where they cannot function properly in everyday life. Some even end up losing their jobs and their independence.

In a study (Brierley, 1967), two persons who suffered from severe cases of Torticollis, were treated with small, electric jolts. Both had lost their jobs due to the severity of their condition.

The participants were required to wear a headband that detected the movements of their heads. As soon as the head tilted to an abnormal position, the participant would receive a small, harmless electric jolt to the wrist.

Torticollis Aversion Headband

Treatment fully successful — Participants relieved of the symptoms, return to their jobs and regain freedom and dignity

By the fourth session, one participant presented no apparent inclination of the head and only reported slight stiffness while washing.

He was also able to once more drive his automobile — an ability he had lost due to his condition.

The second participant responded more slowly to treatment. However, she showed a marked improvement by the fifth session, and appeared symptom-free by the tenth session.

Ten months later she reported, “I am feeling very well now and will be starting work next week” (Brierley, 1967).

Electric jolts also successful in treating compulsive behavior

Considering the seriousness of the cases mentioned above, such a speedy recovery is remarkable.

Furthermore, there are many studies proving the effectiveness of these little jolts in overcoming compulsive behavior, as well as persistent habits such as nail biting, smoking, alcoholism, overeating, and gambling.


Brierley, H. (1967, 12). The treatment of hysterical spasmodic torticollis by behaviour therapy. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 5(2), 139-142. doi: 10.1016/0005-7967(67)90011-3

Stress Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2015, from