
PAVLOK Shock-a-Thon Leads to 8 New API Integrations

PAVLOK recently hosted one of the world’s first behavior change hackathons (no joke, the only other one we could find was in Finland just a few months ago).

Eight teams competed by creating integrations that allowed 3rd party applications and sensors to trigger electric shock or other haptic feedback on the PAVLOK device.

We saw some really promising projects presented at the hackathon. We shot video of all of the presentations, however there were a few technical problems and not all could be used. We’ve included the video of presentations when possible, as well as links to the GitHub repository for those groups that shared their work publicly.

The full list of project descriptions:

  1. Script that shocks developers when they write bad code that uses a custom built NPM module, also making it easier for developers to connect to the API

  2. An integration that uses your phone’s position sensor to vibrate/shock if you sit for too long without standing up and moving around

  3. Android integration that shocks you when you open certain apps, eg., Reddit

  4. Wunderlist integration for knocking off your to-do list

  5. Slack messenger integration that allows you to buzz your coworkers on command, “shock Maneesh 255v”

  6. Google calendar integration that buzzes you to notify of calendar events

  7. Facebook integration that shocks you for posting certain words, e.g., lol

  8. Voice recognition where you can blacklist words, “like, ummm, uhhh”

First Place:

Chris Swenor of East Coast Product. Chris and his team won by writing a Javascript module that makes it easier for other developers to connect to the PAVLOK API, and then using that module to create a tool which punishes developers for writing bad code through an integration with CodeShip.

Second Place:

Aaron Washburn, Teddy Wing, Carol Novitsky and Sunny Chin created an integration that uses your phone’s position sensor to vibrate/shock if you sit for too long without standing up and moving around.

Third Place:

Kevin Luo, Preston Carpenter, Atamai Tuiolosega and Zachary Marcus created an android app that shocks you when you open certain pages, eg., Reddit.

Here are videos and GutHub repositories for other great integrations:

Facebook integration that shocks you for posting certain words, e.g., lol (Joshua Maffuccio, Fred Chapman, Elizabeth Morrison, Matthew Riggott and ?)

Slack messenger integration that allows you to buzz your coworkers on command, for example: “shock maneesh 255v”

Google calendar integration that buzzes you to notify of calendar events

All awesome integrations! We’ll add more links to GitHub repositories as we’re able to get permission from the creators. In the mean time, get out there and create your own integration!

8 thoughts on “PAVLOK Shock-a-Thon Leads to 8 New API Integrations

  1. Hello,

    I am wanting to setup an API to send a random shock once per hour. The purpose of this would be a reminder to live in the present moment.

    Do you have any idea if this has been done before? Is there any API documentation where I can get started on implementing this feature if it is not in existence?

    Your comments are appreciated.

  2. Through the API, does Pavlok give you back motion detection? I guess what I’m asking is more: Given a certain motion (record it) and then register it as an action. So for example if I were to have a habit of scratching my head/chin/etc, could I obtain the motion and then attach that motion to a trigger (vibrate, if it continues zap!).

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