
The Power of Community


Greetings from Tanzania and happy Friday.

I’m currently on my first vacation in over two years, and it’s been a truly amazing experience.

If you ever get a chance to make it this way, I can’t recommend it enough.

Today I want to talk about something that’s been weighing heavily on my mind over the last few days.


No, I’m not talking about community in the buzzword-marketing kind of way.

I mean genuine community.

The place you can go and feel welcome no matter what. The place you can go for support, encouragement, and even the occasional kick in the rear.

A place that welcomes you, no matter your goals, ambitions, struggles, or successes. A place that brings out the best in you.

One of the reasons so many people struggle to make positive change in their life, is because they act as if they have to go at it alone, especially when it comes to habit change.

“No one understands how hard it is to quit smoking!”

“I need to lose 20lbs but I just can’t stop eating sweets!”

“Ugh, no one understands how hard it is to quit biting my nails.”

Perhaps you can relate.

As we say time and time again, changing your behavior isn’t an overnight process. But if you choose to tackle your biggest problems alone, you’re only making it harder on yourself.

Which is why community is so important.

Of course, there are many types of communities.

Your family is a community. Your coworkers are a community. Your friends are a community.

And if your communities aren’t actively helping you improve, it can have a drastic effect on your habits, progress, and goals.

I truly believe finding your community is one of the most important things you can do to improve the quality of your life.

My goal with Pavlok isn’t just to change human behavior, it’s to create one of the best communities in the world to help you become your best self.

We welcome anyone who is wanting to change for the better. We welcome anyone who may feel “lost” or “confused.” We welcome anyone who dares to dream big and change the world.

And we are just getting started.

If you’re struggling with those bad habits or not doing the things you need to reach your goals…

The right community can help.

It’s time to stop sitting on the sidelines and hoping for the best. It’s time to use the support around you to finally make the change you want.

Join the Pavlok community today and end this year on the right foot. Stop by our Facebook group and say “hi”. We’ve had people just like you quit smoking, stop biting their nails, start getting up early… and more.

So make the commitment. Get involved. Pre-order your Pavlok 2 now.

-Maneesh Sethi

CEO of Pavlok

P.S Join the Pavlok community by downloading the new Pavlok app on IOS and Android. Work on yourself with the support of hundreds of Pavlokians around the world.