For about 10 years I’ve been a terrible sleeper. I toss and turn all night, I wake up when cars drive by outside (and when squirrels breathe too loudly), I can’t sleep in anything but pitch black.
And so I never feel well rested — instead it’s a struggle to focus and get through the day.
Then a couple of weeks ago my friend Eric shared a few tips on how I might improve by sleep habits, and it’s made a world of difference.
I’m actually in bed for less hours and still have higher energy & cognition throughout the day. Plus there have been some unexpected benefits: my skin looks better, my senses of taste and smell are higher, and I feel physically stronger.
Conclusion #1: Eric is a magic-sleep-wizard.
Conclusion #2: Eric is an expert on sleep habits who has spent years researching and perfecting better sleep techniques for himself and his students.
For today’s article, I’ve asked Eric to share a strategy that you can use today to get better sleep.
Side Note: Getting good sleep is one of the highest priorities for Pavlok fans, so we are building a “wake up alarm clock” that will shock you when you press the snooze button. You may be able to sleep through dozens of alarms, but I don’t know anyone that can sleep through electric shock.
Here’s Eric…
From snooze button addict to the world’s most productive morning person. How to jolt out of bed — even if you hate mornings.
The secret to amazing sex, 6-pack abs, and earning more money has been hiding right underneath your nose.
And when people find out how devastatingly simple this secret really is, they often shake their heads in disbelief, mumble “can’t be real,” and think I’m either crazy or not telling the truth.
It’s my own fault they don’t believe me…
…Because the changes I made have been so dramatic.
Here’s a glimpse at just some of my results, since making ONE radical shift in my life:
- I never miss a workout. (I’m up at 5 am every day — full of energy — heading to Crossfit. Whereas I used to crawl out of bed just to make it to work on time.)
- I’m hyper-productive at work. (I’ve been able to earn multiple promotions and a $40k raise. Whereas I used to do the bare minimum to get by)
- I’ve launched a business on the side. (I even built a product, which generated thousands of dollars of revenue in its first launch. Whereas I used to say “I don’t have time!”)
How did I do it? What’s my secret?
Learn how to FINALLY become a morning person
I went from a snooze button addict to the world’s most productive morning person.
However, my journey has been anything but a straight line.
For years, I was sleep-deprived and desperately wanted to live a different life.
I wanted to become a morning person. I’d read all these articles about how getting up early was critical for success, for staying in shape, and for finding more time in the day.
But any time I TRIED to get up early, I always failed.
After hitting the snooze button several times, maybe — just maybe — I’d crawl out of bed.
Does this look familiar?
And, when I finally did wake up, I needed two cups of coffee before I felt alive.
Worse yet, I had no energy for the rest of the day (but somehow got a burst late at night).
I’d toss and turn and watch TV until I passed out.
The cycle would repeat itself the next day. It was like Groundhog Day — only in real life.
Sleep was my invisible problem for years.
No one knew I struggled with it every night. Yet everyone saw the devastating effects of my tired self dragging through the day.
Think I’m exaggerating?
It’s not just me…
Anyone who’s ever felt the effects of not getting enough rest knows this is true.
Turns out, things can get really bad (even worse than I ever thought possible) if we don’t address this problem.
Let me show you what I mean.
The devastating effects of sleep deprivation
The immediate issues of not sleeping enough are pretty obvious.
We trudge through the day feeling cloudy-headed, sluggish, and dying for a nap. That 2 PM feeling happened every. single. day.
We’re a little moodier than usual. Maybe we make a few careless mistakes. Not a huge deal though, right?
But slowly, deeper issues sneak up on us with time.
Permanent changes start to take hold like:
- Weight gain. According to Harvard Medical School, a lack of sleep is linked to severe weight gain and even obesity. When we don’t sleep enough, our bodies create MORE harmful stress hormones and LESS hormones that tell us when we should stop eating. That hormonal cocktail makes us the perfect candidates to reach for donuts first thing at work and binge on burritos for dinner. End result? We uncontrollably pack on the pounds and don’t know how to stop.
- No sex drive. Sleep specialists say that men and women who don’t sleep well report lower libidos and less interest in sex. And it makes a lot of sense. If your energy is low and you’re feeling sleepy and stressed, sex is probably the last thing on your mind. You just want a nap. No sleep = no more sex = that’s NOT how anyone wants to live life.
- Brain damage. When we’re tired, it’s pretty easy to see that we’re forgetful and unfocused. But a continued lack of sleep is not just a one time problem. Based on some recent research, sleep deprivation is linked to permanent cognitive issues. That means the less we sleep, the more we destroy our memory and brian. Didn’t catch that? If you’re feeling tired, you may have to reread that to fully understand…I’m only kidding… Well, only kind of though.
- Cancer. A growing body of research suggests that poor sleep can increase our risk of getting certain cancers. In fact in 2010, a study found that among a group of 1,240 people that were screened for colorectal cancer, the 338 who were diagnosed with the cancer were more likely to be sleep deprived. That means every hour we miss of shut-eye could cost us even more hours later on in life.
- Even death. Okay maybe there’s nothing linking a lack of sleep to death today, but when we don’t sleep, we’re more prone to accidents. Not getting enough rest has played a huge role in the disasters of recent history: the 1979 nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the 1986 nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, and many others. Each of which not only took a huge toll on the environment but also took human lives.
As you can see, the problems with not getting enough sleep are pretty severe. The human body/brain just isn’t set up to NOT sleep. That’s why we see all these downstream effects.
But rather than just introducing the problems of not getting enough sleep and leaving you wondering how to become a morning person who jolts out of bed, I’m going to show you a method I’ve perfected and tested through the years.
It has worked for me and dozens of my students so I know this system can help you make lasting changes to your own sleep patterns.
What to focus on — and what to ignore — to wake up early
First, let me start by saying this is NOT about using some uberman sleep routine or a guide that tells you sipping on tons of herbal teas will get you more rest.
If you’re looking for a “magic bullet” or a one-time fix, this material won’t help you.
But, if you’re looking for a way to change your behavior and lifestyle — gradually, but permanently, over time — then this is the solution you’ve been waiting for all this time.
We’re moving beyond the basic sleep tactics to get you REAL results. Results you can sustain for life that will have you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up early every day.
This is very different than the finger-waving nagging you see from people who tell you ALL the things you CAN’T do, if you want more sleep.
- Don’t view electronics/blue and white screens before bed
- Don’t watch tons of tv or check work emails for 1 hour before sleep
- Don’t eat heavy (carb intensive) meals right before falling asleep
- Don’t have afternoon caffeine
- Don’t exercise right before bed
Don’t get me wrong, the basics will get you a long way towards a good night’s rest, but I take a very different approach.
I built a system that’s not about “trying harder”. Forget that. The endless list of tactics and overloaded minutia gets you nowhere.
It’s time to work smarter, not harder, so you can get more sleep and jolt out of bed.
Because ultimately it’s not about sleep, but the lifestyle that getting proper sleep allows you to have: more time for the the things that are really important to you, like building your side business, hitting your workout routine, and spending quality time with the people you love.
To work smarter, not harder, with sleep and create a permanent habit, it’s best to reverse engineer our sleep.
In doing this, we can create a custom plan that gets us what we really want — so we get the most out of every night’s rest.
And you can get started with a simple, but profound routine.
3-step system to become an early riser
STEP 1: Decide When To Get Up
This is very straight forward, but often people skip this step and make the decision to wake up at a random time every day.
So rather than saying “6 am sounds good, I’ll get up then!”, you should know exactly when you need to get up.
If that’s 5 AM so be it. f it’s 7:30 AM, that’s okay too. Your morning is your own — so GO OWN it by knowing when you need to be awake.
STEP 2: Set Your Evening Alarm
You’re probably using your alarm clock to wake you up in the morning, but most people never consider setting an alarm at night to go to bed.
This gentle reminder at night is the best way to get into bed on time.
And setting up your evening alarm is easy — just work backwards from the time you wake up by the number of hours you want to rest.
For example, if you want to have seven hours of sleep (that’s the recommended minimum) and need to be awake by 6 AM, then you’d need to fall asleep by 11 PM the night before.
To be asleep by 11 PM, you’ll need to set your evening alarm to 10 PM to be in bed an hour before sleep.
Now that you’re finally ready for your morning to start and you know how to get ready for bed, you only have one final step….
STEP 3: Get Up!
The last piece to becoming a morning person is pretty obvious, but — actually getting out of bed — is the hardest part.
It’s easy to hear that alarm, think “Oh, 5 more min…”, hit snooze and before we know it we’re running around frazzled and panicked, trying not to be late.
One way to overcome this is to put your phone (or alarm clock) on the other side of the room. That way when the alarm goes off first thing, you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
And by the time you get out of bed and walk ALL the way across the room, you’ll naturally think “Oh well, might as well get up now.”
Over time, as you make this shift, it will get easier to wake up and stay awake. (Now I wake up before my alarm even goes off — I technically don’t need it, but still set it, just in case).
That’s how you create the permanent habit of getting up early and unlock the secrets of finding hidden time in your day. Pretty simple, huh? Well, don’t just read it, go get started on your plan!
Set Off Your Keystone Habit, Today
You can’t wake up earlier, if you can’t get to bed on time. I want to help you with that.
If you find yourself tossing and turning for hours on end, you can download my FREE e-book How to Fall Asleep in Minutes.
This e-book will help you:
![how to fall asleep in minutes](
- Stop worrying about the endless list of thoughts racing through your head so you can fall asleep quickly.
- Avoid the snooze button in the morning and wake up at 6 AM to get hours of work done while your competition is still asleep.
- Have consistently high energy while others struggle with the afternoon slump.
Sleep is a force multiplier for everything in your life, and will effectively double the results for all of your work and health goals.
Download my e-book here.
Thanks for the opportunity to post on Pavlok 🙂
I’m happy to help anyone with issues they face with waking up early. Just submit a comment and I’ll reply with customized advice.
Do you have to get up at the same time every day ? Even weekends?
Hey Peter – During the week I like to get up at the same time every day. On the weekends I’ll sleep in till about 7 or 8. The goal is to stay within a 3 hour window of going to bed / waking up.
Here’s how it looks:
Monday – Friday
Bed: 9:30 – 10:00 PM
Wake Up: 5:00 AM
Saturday – Sunday
Bed: 12:00
Wake Up: 7:00 – 8:00 AM
We all have social lives and it’s impossible to go to bed / wake up at exactly the same time. Just be reasonable and you’re circadian rhythm will naturally align.
I do Shift work. So ist impossible for me to get to bed the Same Time and Wake up the Same Time in a 3 Hour window each…
I work like i explain in the following lines:
Day 1:
Late-Shift 9:30-20:00 (get up: 8:30)
Day 2:
Early-Shift 6:00-13:00 (get up: 5:00)
Night-Shift 20:00-6:00 next day (get up: 19:00)
Day 3:
Coming home around 6:30
Rest of the day: Freetime
Day 4/5: free
Day 6: Same as day 1, Repeating the Whole 5-day-system
Is there a way of get a system for those unhealthy times to get enough and good sleep wirhout quiting my Job?
Thanks, Daniela
Brilliant! The solution to becoming a morning person is to set an alarm and wake up! Oh, man, you should totally write an ebook.
Setting the clock for sleeping…wow that’s something I didn’t consider. I’ll try it out tonight. Thanks for the tip!