
So You Want To Change Your Habits…

TLDR: The difference between the Shock Clock and Pavlok

  • The Shock Clock is an alarm clock that vibrates, beeps, and zaps you awake.

  • The Pavlok includes all of the Shock Clock features, plus a full suite of courses, features, and integrations to help you break bad habits.



Here at Pavlok, we help people change their habits. To do so, we create apps, wearables, technology, and more – all designed to help you improve your habits and take control of your life.

But when it comes to habit change, not everyone is at the same level, and that’s perfectly okay.

Maybe you just need a slight push to get out of the bed in the morning..

Or maybe you’re looking to remove some more ‘serious’ habits such as quitting smoking or consuming too much sugar.

Regardless of what you’re looking for, one of our two wearables has you covered. 

Our number #1 goal at Pavlok is to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be.

Over the last 18 months we’ve helped thousands of people get on the right track with our two wearables the Pavlok and Shock Clock, both of which were created with a specific purpose in mind.

Today, we’d like to share the benefits of each one, and help decide which wearable is right for you.


Our entry level wearable, the Shock Clock, is perfect for those just starting their habit change journey. Out of the box, it comes with everything you need to get your morning started on the right foot.

The fact is, our mornings are our most productive hours of our day.

As shown by multiple studies, willpower is highest in the morning; throughout the day, we drain our willpower through “decision fatigue”.

Imagine if instead of hitting snooze button, you could get your day started with a purpose.

Imagine being able to…

  • Do a full workout
  • Cook a healthy breakfast
  • Journal for half an hour
  • Practice a language or study something new
  • Meditate
  • Floss

….all in just about an hour… before you head to work.

The Shock Clock helps you turn that dream into reality.

Click here to learn more about how the Shock Clock works with the Pavlok app. 

The Shock Clock, works seamlessly with our Pavlok app, giving you your recent sleep statistics (how well you slept and for how long) as well as the ability to have your Shock Clock wake you up with a light zap or vibration.

Unlike, its big brother, the Pavlok, the Shock Clock relies on the alarm feature in the Pavlok app to administer your zap, vibration, or beep. Though, you can set as many alarms as you’d like in the app, to either wake you up in the morning, or a set reminder to take out the trash before you head to work.

When using the Shock Clock, the alarms are saved into the hardware, so even if your bluetooth connection is lost, you’ll still get a zap or vibration sent straight to your wrist.

The Shock Clock, also includes motion detection technology as well as it’s most popular feature the “Jumping Jack” snooze. If you have trouble sleeping in, just turn the “Jumping Jack” snooze on, and you’ll be required to do a few jumping jacks in the morning to save yourself from a zap.

Included in your purchase of the Shock Clock, you also gain access to our super useful “Introduction to Habit Change Course” that will walk you step by step on how to change your habits.

Shock Clock user Tatyana used the Shock Clock to go from 20 alarms in the morning to starting her day intentionally. Watch the video here.


The Pavlok, includes all the features of the Shock Clock, but has dozens of additional features giving you everything you need to make significant changes to your habits.

With the Pavlok, you’ll also gain access to additional habit resources, such as our Breaking Bad habits course, Pavlok Productivity Chrome Extension,  as well as dozens of other smart integrations (such as IFFTT.)

And the Pavlok team is working day and night to introduce even more integrations and features to give you complete control of your habit change journey.

Click here to watch our founder Maneesh walk you through the Pavlok app. 

With the Pavlok you can…

  • Use the Google Chrome extension to have your Pavlok vibrate or zap you when you open up too many tabs.
  • Use our Amazon Alexa integration to have Alexa vibrate the Pavlok after an alarm goes off.
  • Integrate your Pavlok with Slack so you and your team can help keep each other focused and on track..

and much more.

The main benefit of the Pavlok wearable compared to the Shock Clock, is that the Pavlok comes completely unlocked, allowing you to self administrate a zap, vibration or beep manually.

This gives you the ability to pick and choose which habits you want to change, such as, quiting smoking, biting your nails, or consuming too much sugar.

The Pavlok brings the benefits of technology and extends them into the physical world.

Your imagination is the limit when it comes to using it throughout the day.

Kara used the Pavlok to help get her in the best shape of her life, by helping with her “mindless eating” habit. Read here story here.

As you can see, regardless of what you’re trying to accomplish the Shock Clock and Pavlok can help you get where you want to go.

Here’s a quick recap of what’s included in both the Shock Clock and Pavlok.

We hope this post has given you the information you need to decide whether the Shock Clock or Pavlok is right for you.

Happy habit building,

– Bud Hennekes 

Content Wrangler

P.S Have you checked out our top 11 favorite apps to help you be more productive and get more done?