
5 Things You Can Do Every Morning To Jumpstart Your Day

At Pavlok, we’re a BIG fan of starting your morning on the right track. And while a “morning routine” isn’t the magic pill all the bloggers and lifestyle gurus portray it to be, making a few small tweaks to your morning can help you improve your habits and your life.

If you’re struggling to get out of bed and have tried “everything” without success, chances are good these tweaks can help you take control of your mornings.
Having helped hundreds of Pavlok users wake up on time and start their morning with purpose and focus, we’ve discovered a few things that when done consistently, almost guarantee a better start to your day.

Give a few of these a try once your Pavlok 2 alarm goes off.

Write in Your Journal

Taking just 5-10 minutes each morning to write out your thoughts and feelings is a great way to start the day with a “clean slate.” Worried about that presentation at work you have to give? Write it out. Frustrated your partner “forgets” to do the dishes? Write it out. Have an amazing business idea you want to pursue. Write it down.

This simple process will clear your head and bring some often much needed perspective to your day.

Over time your journal will give you unique insights into your behavior, mood, and more, and is a great first step in building awareness to improve your habit change journey.

Read A Few Pages

Starting your morning reading a few pages of your favorite book or a topic that you’re passionate about is a great way to prime your day for success.
Instead of being greeted with stress and chaos, taking a few moments to center your mind and day goes a long way in getting the most out of your morning.

Try committing to five pages each morning while you eat breakfast, or load up your favorite audiobook while walking your dog.

Do Some Light Exercise

Not everyone has the time to spend 2 hours at the gym each morning. We sure don’t. But even spending as little as 7 minutes getting your heart rate up can significantly improve your mood and focus.

Wake up and do a few jumping jacks to satisfy your Pavlok 2, then knock out a few push ups while your shower is warming up. The important thing is to do something to get your body moving and awake.

You don’t have to spend an hour sitting with your legs crossed in silence to reap the clear benefits of meditation. Taking a moment to focus on your breathing and your body reduces stress and gives you perspective.

There’s no “right” way to mediate, and something as simple as focusing on enjoying your breakfast without distraction is a step in the right direction
If you need some guided meditations to help get you going, be sure to check out the apps Calm or Headspace and make sure you log your session in your Pavlok app.

Plan Your Day

With dozens of things vying for your attention throughout the day, a quick scan through your to-do list can help bring focus to what you want to accomplish. Having a clear picture of what you hope the day looks like will improve your chances of getting things done.

Of course, not every day will go according to plan, but not planning at all is certainly a recipe for disaster.


You don’t have to do every item above to quickly see the benefits in your day and your life. By adding just one of these activities to your morning ritual you’ll be able to be proactive in your day as opposed to having your day run you.

Many Pavlok users have found when they have something to look forward to in the morning, it’s easier for them to jump out of bed and greet the day.
If you need an extra push to get out of bed and get moving, you can pre-order our brand new wearable the Pavlok 2 here.

For Halloween (10/25 thru 10/31) we are running a pre-order special where you get 20% off your Pavlok 2 and also get 3 bands: white, black, and magnetic Milanese. You don’t want to miss this offer, pre-order NOW!

P.S Yesterday we went on Facebook LIVE and shared a few updates on Pavlok 2 and Volts. The Pavlok team and I are going to start doing a Facebook LIVE each week, so be sure to tune in and say hi!