
60% Of Participants Beat Alcoholism

London Institute of Psychiatry finds 60% of participants quit drinking after electric shock sessions and report “repugnance” towards sight and smell of alcohol even after 4-8 weeks

alcoholism study chart

In a scientific study conducted by the Institute of Psychiatry in London and Maudley and Bethlem Royal Hospitals in Israel, researchers analyzed the effects of electric shock on alcoholism in a group of “primary alcoholics” i.e. people who were practically alcoholics from their very first drink.

These were people for whom alcoholism was a very deeply ingrained habit.

When re-assessed 4-8 weeks after the study, 60% of the participants in the study were categorized as “successes”, with complete abstinence or no serious bouts of drinking.

In other words, 60% had successfully quit their drinking habit.

What’s more, as a result of shock treatment, the participants developed a strong dislike for the taste and smell of alcohol.

Some even found it “repugnant”!

A drink or two… too many?

There’s nothing wrong with a drink or two socially. But when it starts affecting your life, your relationships and your job, even in tiny ways, it’s time for a reality check.

If you feel it’s time to get your drinking habit under control, congratulations, this is the first step towards freedom.

Attitude is crucial.

However, it’s only part of the battle. You need to strengthen it with a proven process that can get you back on track every time you stray!

Treating alcoholism with Aversive Shock Technology

The study mentioned earlier, shows that the strategic use of small electric shocks —such as those administered by the Pavlok wristband— can help you get a grip on your drinking habit before it’s really out of control.

The research was conducted over a number of sessions as follows:

  1. Each person was shown a number of slides, including images of bottles, bars and other alcohol-related items. Every time the person reported having a fantasy of drinking, the researchers would give that person a slight shock* to the arm.
  2. Each person was asked to taste and smell alcohol. For each of these actions, the researchers would once again give the person a slight shock* to the arm.

*Note that the shock is harmless and does not cause any injury. It is intended to jolt you to attention. And according to this study, its effects are astounding.

The Outcome  Electric shock beats alcoholism in 60% of the lab cases

When reassessed 4-8 weeks after the shock treatment, 60% of the people in the experiment were reported as “successes”, (complete abstinence or no serious drinking) and had come to dislike the taste and smell of alcohol.

In fact, the word “repugnant” kept coming up!

Some reported the smell and taste of alcohol had now become unpleasant. Others found they had become indifferent to alcohol.

For some, even the sight of the images was considered undesirable!

alcoholism study chart

Remember, these were people diagnosed as ”primary alcoholics”; their problem was very deeply ingrained.

They were NOT recreational drinkers simply concerned about the occasional hangover.

The study shows encouraging results, and the researchers’ claims are very clear:

“As far as the conditioning theory is concerned, the development of this taste/smell repulsion, may prove to be a useful starting point — square one.” (Hallam, Rachman, Falkowski, 1972)

Pavlok is your starting point

Maybe you’re just looking to have a little more control over your life. You’ve been pushing your limits a little too far. Your social life, your relationships, your wallet and your job seem to be suffering the consequences, and you want to do something about it.

Or maybe you’re waging a full-blown war against the bottle. You recognize you have a serious problem and that it’s going to take you down sooner or later.

Whichever your case, you owe yourself all the help you can get. So, keep the following in mind:

#1 Willpower is not enough

First of all, willpower is not enough; it never is. You might start out strong and full of determination. But…

  • what if you’ve had a horrible day at work?
  • what if your toddler has been screaming all day?
  • what if an idiot cuts you off on the street as you’re driving home?

For someone with a drinking habit, everyday events like these can be overwhelming triggers.

You need a support system that will keep you in check when your will power takes a plunge. And it needs to be something that is concrete and dependable.

#2 The game is stacked against you. You owe it to yourself to redress the balance.

On top of that, the game is stacked against you.

Everything around you is designed to push you towards failure:

  • bars at every corner and junction
  • wine lists in restaurants
  • whole shelves of alcohol in supermarkets and convenience stores
  • commercials on tv and social media.

It’s inescapable.

That’s where Pavlok comes in.

Pavlok keeps you on track

In 2013, Pavlok rediscovered the power of electric shock to break bad habits such as smoking, overeating and drinking.

With Pavlok, you can replicate the results observed in the laboratory study mentioned earlier in this article.

Set a goal for yourself. You may decide to shock yourself every time you open a bottle of liquor, or with every sip you take. You could even shock yourself every time you even THINK about drinking alcohol!

If you have honest friends who REALLY care about you and want you to beat your habit, you can give them access to Pavlok via bluetooth. Agree on a specific behavior you want to avoid. Your friends will be able to use their phones to shock you with Pavlok every time you slip up.

Caution: There is no ‘microwave’ sobriety

Of course, Pavlok is not a substitute for professional help and support. If you feel that your drinking habit might be too much for you to handle on your own, you need to seek professional help.

But Pavlok is your first commitment to yourself. It’s with you, always, as a handy wearable wristband. Users have often reported that the feeling of having Pavlok on your wrist is enough to remind you to “stay away from the habit”.