
How To Avoid Overeating This Holiday Season

Happy Friday Pavlokians,

I hope you have some exciting weekend plans!

With the holidays fast approaching, the last few months of the year are often the most difficult in sticking with your habits, especially when it comes to eating right and sticking with your regular gym routine.

While the holiday season is obviously meant to be enjoyed, going “overboard” and losing the year’s progress doesn’t exactly set you up for a good start to the new year.

So if you’ve been working to improve your health, weight, and exercise routine this year, here are a few tips to help keep those pounds off and feel your best these last few months of 2017.

Mindful Eating FTW

One of the reasons it’s so easy to overeat during the holidays is because there’s just so much going on. Holiday parties, family reunions, catching up with old friends.

During these events and get-togethers, it’s easy to stand by the snack table and munch for hours while you catch up with Uncle Bill who you haven’t seen in years.

Of course, that certainly won’t do your health much good.

As best as you can, try to be conscious and mindful of what and when you eat. Don’t just jump from one family buffet table to the next, but rather take your time and be focused on eating or simple conversation. Just being a little more mindful, can help keep those pounds off and make you end the year on a high note.

Speaking of mindful eating, your Pavlok 2 can help you bring your attention back when your mind starts to wander. If you catch yourself eating unconsciously, give yourself a quick beep, buzz, or zap.

Portion Size. Portion Size. Portion Size.

I get it. Every party you go to seemingly has an endless amount of your favorite food or dessert. But one piece of apple pie won’t hurt. 12 pieces on the other hand… that’s a different story.

If you are going to indulge in your favorite treats throughout the holidays (and you certainly should to some extent) do your best to go easy on the portion size. Instead of cutting a bowling ball sized piece of cake, slice off a little square.

Over the course of a few months, this really does add up. Smaller plates work too.

Enjoy Your Favorite Desserts

While committing to NO sweets this holiday season might be an admirable goal, be careful not to set yourself up for likely failure.
The point of cutting back and watching what you eat isn’t to make your life miserable, but rather give you the flexibility and power to indulge when you consciously choose.

Give yourself permission to enjoy your favorite foods and sweets this holiday season but only in small portions and moderation.
A piece of apple pie slowly savored is significantly more rewarding than shoving 11 of your grandmother’s brownies in your mouth.
When you do indulge, enjoy it to the fullest. Then commit to getting back on track.

Watch The “Adult” Eggnog

Food isn’t the only culprit for increased weight gain of the holidays. The “hidden” calories in alcohol can also do the trick.
Again, the point isn’t to reject fun this holiday season or be social with your family and friends; it’s about taking a conscious and strategic approach.

One of the quickest ways to have that weight sneak back up on you is by not watching your alcohol consumption.
Soda water or diet coke are a few alternatives to consider.

Don’t stress

Believe it or not, your stress levels have a clear correlation to the amount of weight your body retains. So while you should certainly do your best this holiday season to keep an eye on what you eat, don’t stress yourself out so much that it becomes counterproductive.

While these tips might seem simple on the surface, don’t underestimate how powerful a few small tweaks in your behavior can be.
If you need a little extra boost this holiday season, you can order your Pavlok 2 now.

Have a great weekend,

P.S We’ve recently put together 4 habit guides to help give you a little boost. Just click which guide you wan’t and I’ll send it to you immediately.

How To Quit Nail Biting
Mastering Your Morning Routine
Quit Smoking For Good
Habit Hacking