Clinical Trials

Man’s Painkiller Addiction is Cured

If you’ve ever had a craving for chocolate, potato chips or anything else, you know how insistent that craving can be. The thought slips into your mind unnoticed, “I must eat chips”. Soon, it starts nagging insistently until you absolutely can’t ignore it. When fighting a craving, you’re fighting against…

61% of heavy smokers quit habit

“If it weren’t for nicotine in tobacco smoke, people would be little more inclined to smoke than they are to blow bubbles or light sparklers” (Russell) M.A.H. Russell, a nicotine researcher who worked for Maudsley Hospital and the Addiction Research Unit in the Institute of Psychiatry in De Crespigny Park,…

Obsessive compulsive handwashing ended

Man suffering from 25-year-long compulsive handwashing behavior claims it occupies 90% of his time at home and has killed his social life In this clinical study (Le Boeuf, 1974), a 49-year-old man who had been suffering from compulsive handwashing behavior (a form of OCD) for 25 years, was treated with…

Hair-pulling stopped in 1 session

Sometimes all it takes to break a habit is awareness Habits have a way of insinuating themselves into our lives by becoming an unconscious action. We pair them with other behaviors which they seem to “feed off” of, until they become ingrained into our systems. For instance, if you’re a…