Info Pillars


Alcoholism Define Drinking should be defined as the amount of alcohol consumed of alcohol. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism there are two separate levels of alcohol consumption. All of which can be dangerous, but obviously the more alcohol consumed the more you put yourself and…

21 Scientific Studies On Aversion and Bad Habits

For 80+ years, doctors and scientists have studied the efficacy of electric shock on changing behaviors. After rigorous testing, these researchers report their results in peer reviewed journals which are often cited in further studies. This post is a collection of scientific reports from the world’s top academic and medical…

How Pavlok Knows When To Shock You

The #1 question everyone asks about Pavlok is “how does it know?” How does it know you are smoking? How does it know you are on Facebook? How does it know you just ate your third Big Mac with extra cheese? The simple answer is there are both easy-track and…

The Big List Of Bad Habits

  We all have bad habits that are ruining our lives…  Learn how to take control of your habits. Click Here. These are 173+ habits Pavlok will help you break: Swearing Trichotillomania Picking Your Nose Smoking Cigarettes Biting Fingernails Drinking Coffee Drinking Tea Hair picking Watching Reality Television Eating Fast Food…