We live in astounding times, while it’s old news to say that technology is accelerating at breakneck speed — one can’t help but to have their mind blown by a recent video showcasing MIT’s robot cheetah not just autonomously running, but actually leaping over obstacles placed ahead of it. Advancements…
Next time you log on to Facebook to update your status or change your profile picture, take a second to ask yourself why. It’s one thing if you’ve been living under a rock, and your default doesn’t reflect the 3 foot long beard you’ve grown since your last update. But…
After retirement you may live on your savings for decades. Yet two-thirds of baby boomers don’t have enough savings to continue their pre-retirement standard of living — which means you downsize or go broke. Attention eye-rolling 20 somethings: it’s easy to say “pfff, the baby boomers screwed everything up, I’m…
If you’re interested in losing weight, it can be hard to know where to start. But before you ban all of your favorite guilty pleasures, consider this: Recent findings from the University of California suggest that it’s not what you eat that’s sabotaging your diet, but when you eat. To…
Update: Some people are male and some people are female. Some are overweight and some are underweight. Tall, short. Old, young. This study was about a woman, an artificial body type, and the affect on consumer behaviour. We understand why some readers are offended by the content, but there is…
We’re all aware of our bad habits, whether it’s smoking, gambling, overeating, or otherwise. We know it’s unhealthy, we know we should stop, but something keeps us in the routine. What is it about toxic habits that makes them so appealing, no matter how motivated we are to stop? Your…