
Introducing The Pavlok App 4.0

Check out the Pavlok App (No Pavlok Device Need] on IOS and Google Play 

Fellow Pavlokians,

Maneesh here.

One of the most exciting things about running Pavlok over the last few years, is seeing the progress our team has made when it comes to making the habit change experience better for Pavlok users.

Today we’re excited to take that ever further.

The software team has been working around the clock to build what we know is one of the best behavior change apps on the market today.

And our new completely redesigned app will blow you away. 

One of the things we’re most excited about with the new release is our new “Explore” section, where we’ll be sharing the best habit change resources around to help you take control of your habits.

Best yet, the explore section is open to anyone, even if you don’t have a Pavlok device.

The truth is, while we sell hardware… we’re not a hardware company.

Pavlok is a behavior change company and we know content is a huge part of behavior change. 

Our number one goal is to make sure you succeed in building the habits that help you get the most out of life and with the new app and content we hope to do that.

For the announcement and what’s new, I’ve invited our software team to share all the latest from the Pavlok iOS 4.0 app.

It’s only the beginning for Pavlok, and we couldn’t be more excited.

Software team take it away.

Introducing Pavlok App 4.0

We’re happy to introduce you to the latest release of the Pavlok app. We’ve spent the last few months listening to user feedback and doing our best to make sure this app is the best behavior resource on the market.

We’d like to share some of the newest features of our completely redesigned app.

1 – A New Explore Section

We’ve  introduced a new Explore Section of the app. Here you will be able to read articles about your habit and integrations. 

The new Explore Section

The explore section will be populated with content to match your current habit, and you can explore a wealth of content designed to change your life for the better.

We want you to engage with like-minded folks by sharing and commenting on articles that you find useful, and share stories with us about your successes with Pavlok. We are a tribe of thousands of habit change enthusiasts from all around the world. 


  Subscribe to habit categories, read, and comment articles

To keep up with new content regarding your chosen topic, subscribe to that channel and check when new content is added. You’ll then be notified anytime content related to your topic is published. Never miss a thing. 

2 – Improvement Everywhere

We have been through the entire app to make improvements to the user experience.

We’ve completely redesigned our fan favorite “Sleep Tracking” and put an emphasis on making the instructions more clear and simplifying the setups. Everything on the new app just works. 


Improved easier sleep tracking

We also spent a ton of time creating fun and engaging  animations when sleep tracking is engaged.

We have also improved the synchronization between the app and the device so that pairing issues will be less of a concern. If you engage sleep tracking and your battery is too low, you will get a reminder to charge your device before using.

Habit tracking has been slightly improved too! Now you can add notes about previous day’s activities (and edit them too!). The home screen sports a helpful graph that plots the reported urges or habit incidences along a timeline for the day.

This helps you notice if your habit correlates with meal times or other daily occurrences. We are now working hard on the habit part to create a full experience that will help you even more break and form habits.

We’ve also Introduced a new widget for iOS and Android: The tracking panel widget!

This widget allows you to check-in your behavior directly from your widget panel.

When you think you’ve have had enough of Explore, Clock, Home, and Course, you can move over to the More section.

You will find a wealth of  information regarding your history, access “Pavlok Unlocked” to grant your friends and coaches the ability to send you a stimulus.

We’ve also included a review of what is new in the app, intro videos to help you get started, send us feedback, get your questions answered, view your firmware revision and even more more!

3 – Bug Chasing And Database Polishing

How did we make all these changes, without clobbering our database?

We performed a table-ecktomi and revamped our API to combine/reduce/streamline our fetching and posting.

Now things “just work” and you will have your history when you want it.

We made our app uber snappy and aware of what is onboard and what needs to be synchronized with the next connection to the Internet.

To make sure we can keep up, we have beefed up our analytics package to alert us when something is going wrong. 

We didn’t spend all of our time developing, though, we also spent some serious hours fixing bugs from the past, including hopefully your favorites: sleep time remaining was wrong on occasion, fixed tracking panel disappearing in Airplane Mode, helped our folks with older iPhones get through the intense parts of the app.

We also learned some new tricks to help to pair with Bluetooth and fixed an iOS-9 crash issue.

We introduced Pavlok 4.1 to continue to fix more bugs. Here is the complete list of bugs and usability issues fixed with Pavlok 4.1:

  • Fixed issues with bulk sync APIs that could impact performance and usability,
  • On Android, setting the “hand raise” detection to the left hand, won’t “stick” is fixed,
  • Removed bottom bar from course screens,
  • Tracking widget triggers shocks and provides feedback,
  • Addressed Explore section crash issue scenarios,
  • Sleep tracking now sends a vibration confirmation when alarms are disabled,
  • Reset and delete profile by going in More > Edit Profile > Options Menu,
  • Have intro video play sound at loud (need to switch off vibrate mode on iPhone),
  • Explore access to likes and comments.

The stopwatch screen still needs to be open to work properly; we are working on finding a fix and will let you know.

If you are having issues with Explore or another part of the app, let us no know. We will fix it as soon as possible for you.

We’re very excited for the future of Pavlok and the app, and are always open to suggestions and feedback.

❤️ from Boston


John And Norman Releasing the new app

Pushing the app to the store

John Hayes & Norman Wozniak

P.S Only a few more days until  our Shock Clock sale comes to a close. Get yours for $99 today before we take down the deal.

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  1. Pingback: The Beginners Guide To Habit Change - A Boundless World

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