
How Maria Changed Her Life With A Morning Routine

Like most people, Maria struggled to get out of bed.

The temptation of hitting snooze was just too much.

She tried everything.

She went to bed earlier.

She put her alarm clock in the other room.

And she even had her friends knock on her door to her wake up.

Nothing worked.

Instead of being able to eat breakfast at her own pace, she would often throw something together as she rushed out the door.

Then she gave Pavlok a try.

After years of struggling to get up on time, Maria’s mornings quickly changed for the better.

She was finally able to take control of her day…

But something funny happened. Getting up on time was just the beginning.

After a while, Maria wanted to make the most of her extra time.

She started reading before heading to work.

She started enjoying her delicious homemade breakfast without worrying about being late.

She even dabbled in meditation.

Watch the video to hear how Maria used Pavlok to wake up on time.

While she didn’t intentionally set out to make a morning routine, these many positive habits, slowly became a part of her morning.

And she hasn’t looked back since.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve talked a lot about the power of the morning routine. Why? Because it is without a doubt, one of the best ways to build positive habits that last.

While there’s no such thing as ‘magic bullets,’ having a morning ritual is the next best thing.

We’ve even noticed, that many of the most successful members of the Pavlok community all have a morning routine. That’s not a coincidence.  

Why is a morning routine so powerful? Because instead of reacting to the world, you are consciously choosing how you start your day.

A few years ago, I shared my morning routine, as well as the morning routines of super successful entrepreneurs Tim Ferriss and Leo Babauta — it was one of the most popular things I’ve ever written.  

Since then, I’ve continued to improve and tweak my morning ritual to set myself up for having the best day possible.

And after years of testing and tweaking, and helping others do the same, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t when building your morning ritual.

Over the last few months, the morning routine has been the foundation of what we’ve been working on at Pavlok – because we believe it has the potential to change so many lives.

Getting up on time is one thing, but imagine having 1-2 hours of focused productivity as well. The opportunities are endless.

In a few weeks, we’ll be launching Pavlok’s best product yet [Hint: it has to do with morning routines.]  But in the meantime, I’d love to invite you to our LIVE announcement this Tuesday at 3 PM EST (12PM PST) where I’ll be sharing our BIG news.

Imagine… instead of walking out the door stressed and anxious, you’re pumped to greet the day.

Imagine... starting your day off with some invigorating exercise and your favorite food for breakfast.

Imagine… being able to finally work on those projects you’ve never had time for.

With a morning routine, you can.

Regardless of where you find yourself in your habit journey, a morning routine is very well within your reach.

We’re excited to show you how to get where you want to go.

Join Us This Tuesday, May 2 @ 3PM EST (12 PST)

Register for the Event Here

Can’t wait to see you there.

-Maneesh Sethi

P.S Be sure to join me as we announce some HUGE news at Pavlok. Tune in on Tuesday May 2nd @ 3PM EST (12 PST) to watch our LIVE announcement. If you’ve been wanting to have a morning routine… You won’t want to miss this.

3 thoughts on “How Maria Changed Her Life With A Morning Routine

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