
Why is Pavlok better than a rubber band?

Hi there!

One of the most common questions we get at Pavlok is this: “Why don’t you just use a rubber band?”

I made a quick video to explain — click the image below to watch.

In fact, a rubber band is one of the few forms of aversive conditioning that is still used today. In July, we actually launched a course with over 1200 people where we taught users how to break bad habits — even if they didn’t own a Pavlok.

The results we found? About 5% of people who try to quit a habit cold-turkey succeed in quitting the habit for good. About 25% who used a rubber band succeed. And, about 55-60% of users who used Pavlok succeeded.

We packaged the course together and released it as the Break Bad Habits Digital Package.

We released the course for $99, but just today, get it for only $49 (offer ends at midnight).

Or, get both the Pavlok AND the course for only $199 (total savings: a hundred bucks)

Click here to get the How to Break a Bad Habit Digital course for just $49

Here’s what you get:

Break a Bad Habit Digital Course

The exclusive digital habit-breaking course, hosted by Pavlok founder Maneesh Sethi. In this course you will learn how to identify your bad habit, envision the change you desire, and successfully rid yourself of the bad habits that are holding you back.


  • 5-detailed lessons
    • Day 1: What is a habit? + Habit Tracking Worksheet
    • Day 2: Pros and cons of habit change
    • Day 3: Identifying and rewiring habit triggers
    • Day 4: Your first aversion session — creating the negative association
    • Day 5: Your second aversion session — killing a bad habit for good.

  • CBT Worksheets to analyze your habit ($50 value)
    • Habit Tracking Worksheet
    • Modifying Behaviors and Routines Worksheet
    • CBT Pros and Cons of Change Worksheet

  • Aversive training audio sessions for ($49 value)
    • Smoking
    • Nail biting
    • Unhealthy eating
    • Procrastination

  • 4 interviews with experts ($100 value)
    • Dr. Daniel Pardi  – Sleep and Willpower researcher from Stanford University
    • Dr. Roy Baumeister – Researcher and discoverer of willpower as a resource
    • Dr. Calvin Newport – Professor and researcher on deep learning and becoming an expert
    • James Clear – Writer and researcher on habits and psychology

  • The Habit Change – Theory and Practice ebook ($50 value)
    • Learn the secrets to forming NEW habits


Click here to get the How to Break a Bad Habit Digital course for just $49

(or, get the course+Pavlok for only $199)

P.S. Grab it now — price will change back to $99 at midnight. Click here.

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