Maneesh Sethi

Bribe yourself to better fitness

You look at the mirror and spot a couple of things you’d like to improve. Some of them, you can’t do much about. Then your eyes fall on those couple of extra pounds of fat persistently hanging around your body, refusing to melt away on their own. So you decide…

Is Legalization Bad For Your GPA?

As efforts to decriminalize marijuana continue, we have more benefits than just being able to smoke pot — we can research its effects on the brain, too. Cannabis is federally classified as a Schedule I drug, which means that it’s not only illegal, but it’s also considered to have no…

MIT & The Robot Cheetah

We live in astounding times, while it’s old news to say that technology is accelerating at breakneck speed — one can’t help but to have their mind blown by a recent video showcasing MIT’s robot cheetah not just autonomously running, but actually leaping over obstacles placed ahead of it. Advancements…

61% of heavy smokers quit habit

“If it weren’t for nicotine in tobacco smoke, people would be little more inclined to smoke than they are to blow bubbles or light sparklers” (Russell) M.A.H. Russell, a nicotine researcher who worked for Maudsley Hospital and the Addiction Research Unit in the Institute of Psychiatry in De Crespigny Park,…