Maneesh Sethi

Stop Facebook Stalking Your Ex

When I was 18 I broke up with this angry Italian girl. Within 2 months her MSN Space was full of “kill Michael” drawings. e.g., stabbing me to death with a toaster Within 16 months I saw her in an ad for some porn site. Now she has a website…

21 Scientific Studies On Aversion and Bad Habits

For 80+ years, doctors and scientists have studied the efficacy of electric shock on changing behaviors. After rigorous testing, these researchers report their results in peer reviewed journals which are often cited in further studies. This post is a collection of scientific reports from the world’s top academic and medical…

Quit biting your nails

About a quarter of college students and 15% of adults bite their nails. While you might make light of the habit, it has serious implications. You’re routinely exposing yourself to germs, you can end up with embarrassing and unsightly fingernails, and you risk permanently damaging your nail beds. And if…

Tasha Stopped Eating Sugar

We all have one of those friends. When she’s around… You spend more than you budgeted for. You don’t eat as well. You have a few too many drinks. She’s no good for you and you know it, but still you keep hanging out. THAT’S REFINED SUGAR. Sugar is terrible…