
Change Your Reward

Click here to watch my short video on rewards.  Yesterday we discussed “actions” and how they are an important part of the habit loop. Hopefully you were able to find some replacement actions for the bad habit you’re trying to break. For today’s final video, I’m going to discuss how…

Understanding Triggers

Watch my short video on Triggers Yesterday I broke down the three components of the habit loop, triggers, actions, and rewards, which are essential to understand if you want to make habits that stick. Today we’ll be talking a little more about triggers, the first part of the habit process.…

It Starts With Mindset

Check out my short video today on Mindset.  Happy #MotivationMonday Pavlokians! Today we’re kicking off the first email of a series of posts about changing habits. This week we’ll be diving deep into understanding the Habit Loop and bad habits — but to start, we’ll be focusing on mindset.  One of the…