Unlock the power of your Pavlok across the web! Don’t like zapping yourself? Do you need that extra support from your family to do your dirty work? Or maybe you just want to zap your best friend, so he/she quits that bad habit? You can! Introducing Pavlok Unlocked The Pavlok…
Pavlok’s most powerful use case is to break bad habits. To break a habit, you should force yourself to perform that action repeatedly for at least 5 days (but ideally 10). Set aside 5 minutes each day and force yourself to do the action – even when you feel…
What if you don’t want to eliminate a habit, but instead want to reduce it? Maybe you want to eat a little less sugar, or cut down on alcohol. Wear the Pavlok on your wrist and only zap if you start to do the undesired action. As you have a…
Do you ever find yourself mindlessly snacking when you’re not even hungry? Do you want to cut down on eating between meals? Wear the Pavlok on your wrist and only zap if you find yourself snacking when you are not hungry. As you do the habit, zap yourself at each…
Do you bite your nails down until they hurt? Do you notice when you’re doing it? Or do you do it subconsciously? Wear the Pavlok on your wrist and zap if you start to do the undesired action. As you have a craving or do the habit, zap yourself…
Do you pull your hair out? Do you notice when you’re doing it? Or do you do it subconciously? Wear the Pavlok on your wrist and zap if you start to do the undesired action. As you have a craving or do the habit, zap yourself at each step. The…