App Integrations

How To Write Every Day

This is a guest post by Pavlok friend Steve from Startup Black Belt I’m a busy guy. A startup CTO, startup consultant, father, husband, and homeowner… There are a lot of things demanding my time. Employees, clients, writing code, exercising, family time and more. It all adds up. As business…

Introducing The Pavlok App 4.0

Check out the Pavlok App (No Pavlok Device Need] on IOS and Google Play  Fellow Pavlokians, Maneesh here. One of the most exciting things about running Pavlok over the last few years, is seeing the progress our team has made when it comes to making the habit change experience better…

What is the Pavlok Unlocked Web App?

Unlock the power of your Pavlok across the web! Don’t like zapping yourself? Do you need that extra support from your family to do your dirty work? Or maybe you just want to zap your best friend, so he/she quits that bad habit? You can! Introducing Pavlok Unlocked The Pavlok…

Shock Clock App Sneak Peak

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Pavlok + IFTTT

The biggest thing to happen to habit change since Pavlok! What the Pavlok/IFTTT integration can do Ever since launching Pavlok, the most common question people ask has been “Can it tell when I’m doing my bad habit?” and the answer has always been “for breaking bad habits Pavlok doesn’t need to…